Human stem cell-derived exosomes

Human stem cell-derived exosomes

Exosomes are lipid bilayer membrane substances with a diameter of 50-150 nm that are secreted from cells. In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in the function of exosomes. Exosomes were discovered in 1983, but at first they were thought to be nothing more than garbage bags that release unwanted substances such as extra proteins inside cells and waste products outside the cells. However, since it became clear in 2007 that microRNAs exist in exosomes and that exosomes function as intercellular communication, research has progressed in the field of life sciences, and now most researchers around the world recognize the exosomes as the research subject of the most attention.
In the field of regenerative medicine, most of the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells are not only due to the cells themselves, but are thought to be mainly due to the secreted physiologically active substances and exosomes. From this point of view, exosome therapy is attracting for regenerative therapy.
This transmission function is said to have functions such as suppressing signals in cancer cells and transmitting information to improve the impaired tissues. Exosomes are derived from cells, and because they are abundant in the human body, they are said to have low toxicity, and they have great potential not only for disease but also for improvement of pre-symptomatic disease and improvement of QOL such as aftereffects. Therefore, in the future, it is expected to be applied to diseases that are currently untreatable.
On the other hand, since this is a cutting-edge research area and there are many issues that must be resolved, how to select products is important. It is necessary to collect exosomes from the culture supernatant and analyze them, but there are various methods for this collection work and analysis methods, so we need to select the collection method that suits your purpose. Have to. Among researchers, it is known that if you try to increase the recovery amount of exosomes, the purity will decrease, and if you increase the purity, the recovery amount will decrease.
Among other companies’ products, there are some products that aim to increase the recovery amount, but our company manufactures aim to increase the purity, so it contains extremely high-purity exosomes. It will be a product that has Furthermore, it contains a high concentration of more than 50 billion exosomes/mL, making it one of the best products in the world.